I put up a Ghost Ad and I had two buyers contact me. I talked to some Real Estate Agents and told them that I wanted property for cash. They told me I need proof of funds with my Information to do deal. How do I get around this?
I put up a Ghost Ad and I had two buyers contact me. I talked to some Real Estate Agents and told them that I wanted property for cash. They told me I need proof of funds with my Information to do deal. How do I get around this?
How do you get around showing Proof of Funds (POF) to a Realtor
Hello Ray,
First...try to establish a good working relationship with your Bank Officer/Manager. Secondly, when you find a house that you want to buy for cash, take the listing to your Bank Officer/Manager and ask for a POF Letter from him or her stating that you have the funds in your account at his/her bank to purchase MLS#_____. If your Bank Officer will not give you a(POF)letter... request one from your Attorney. The Realtor would never question an Attorney or a Bank Officer!
Have a Profitable Day!