My Resolution

You know my children are the most supportive people I have in my corner. What better motivation and support to have! I am stepping out on faith beginning in 2013 and putting the principles that I have read and learned from the training materials and many motivational weekly wisdoms viewed. We are experiencing tough financial times and we see that only we can determine our future and not leave it to government and politicians to fix. I am experiencing my own "Fiscal Cliff" and I am tettering on the edge but determined not to fall. I see that Dean's real estate program is a viable option and a means to help me and my family to shake loose the financial chains and be able to enjoy life.

Nothing Beats a Failure but a Try!

My resolution is to Try...Have Action. More to come...t one for making resolution but this year.

power to succeed

hello reddleaf,s it might appear that you are out on a cliff and if a wind comes your way it could change your whole out look,we must meditate on these words, its god desire that you prosper and be in good health, so know that the cliff is there but lets not get so focus on the cliff that we cann,t move forward, have a lovely day.

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