I'm back again. I have signed on with the PMI Success Academy, Hopefully everything goes well. So far not feeling it. I was two weeks into my Blueprint, had two agents that have sent me two different listings for my area that I had asked for and they both delivered exactly what I had asked for. "On track and some,"
I received a last time offer from the Success Academy to join. I did, now that I have joined, I finally get my business cards from my PO Box and am ready to head to the auction. Two blocks from my place of residence. I'm pumped now! I get to meet some of the big wigs now.
Now that I have joined the Success Academy, Couple days later, "The Edge" kit finally arrives in my PO Box and now, I have Three projects that I have to deal with. (Calgon take me away)! Discussed with the Coaches and was told to focus on the Classroom stuff first.
Now, that I am focuses on the Classroom projects my Personal Banker gives his Asset Manager my number, he calls me, I let him leave me as message.
I haven't called him back yet, fearful on what to say to him. Since I was instructed to handle the Classroom projects first, I feel that I should have stuck with the BluePrint. I was way ahead of my schedule to possibly landing my first deal.
Now I am stuck on my Classroom projects and have noone to call to assist me with my questions. Can't give up now, in too deep into my investment. I guess I'll have to wait until morning to ask questions to where I left off.
I think I'll go back to the "BluePrint". Also, I've been watching "The Edge" Totally Awesome info. Since I don't have access to the Success Academy right now, I still have access to the BluePrint as well as "The Edge" kit. Guess I'll call the Advisory line tomorrow.
Signing out,