I have been actively working my Real Estate Investing Business for about one year now. I am currently working in the Healthcare field in Nursing. I have been doing Nursing for about 10 years and now I'm ready for a change in careers. I had been seeing Dean on T.V. For years and thought, I could do that investing stuff with no money down, because that's what I had. No Money, to put down. I passed it up for years.,,
One evening I was searching the internet looking for REI information and found some information about Dean Graziosi, I searched through the information for several hours and saw THE EDGE 2011 package, and ordered it. Glad that I did, but THE EDGE 2012 issue came out soon after, wished I could have gotton that one as well. No more funds though.
I, like everyone else, got the call from the PMI Educators, got involved, called in and canceled after a while. I decided to stay in and gain more knowledge. I have learned so much through the training yet, still have yet to do my first deal. As of this date of 1/23/2012 I have been with the Success Academy nine months. Still working six days a week, I have finally found someone that I can JV with.
I met a young lady named Celeste through networking the way the SA teaches. We have been going with my REA looking at properties together. So far our offers have been excepted by investors with higher offers. As of to day, we have three going on, one offer has been excepted, which is a Short Sale. Seller excepted, but the bank hasn't gotton back to us us as of yet. Two more are in the pipeline. One is another SS and the other a Foreclosure. We're in First Position.
We know how long a SS can take, so we have our Bandit Signs ready to go out. If our MN wheather permits. Frozen grounds are difficult to work through here in
We have our Flyer's ready to go out. Celeste has sons that are willing to help with those. Did I mention that I am not mobile and Celeste is. She drives an hour round trip to Joint Venture with me and when I am working six days a week she takes care of the negotiations while I do all the marketing. All the while why I'm working six days a week.
Celeste is what I call a Soccer Mom. She always makes her teen sons games, maintains her family life, and yet, still has time to JV with me. Celeste is great to work with. Her specialty is in Commercial. She has always had a passion in Residential. Celeste has met a few of us MN DGers and admires our knowledge of investing strategies. She too has a mentor.
Together we are like two flying bullets. We are going to make this a Win, Win for all involved with us.
Well, We Will See You On The Other Side!
Signing Out,
I am ready, willing, and able to start my journey, and can't wait to jump in!
Acutally I've already gotton to the point to where I can't stop reading all of the testimonials. However, I'd better get back to executing my strategies so that I can become the next success story told. Talk to you later.