I may have make the biggest mistake of my whole Real Estate Investment career. After leaving one on my in-home nursing clients' home yesterday, I planned my weekend to stop at every "For Sale By Owner" "Garage Sale" and everything that I thought would bring me a lead. I did, I wrote down all information, knocked on doors, spoke to neighbors, and low and behold, I found an "Estate" garage sale going on. I went in with Business Cards in hand, spoke to the owner he told me to walk around and check out the property, I did. The house was filled with people scavaging all through the home. Almost everything was free, I could tell he wanted to sell quickly. I asked the questions. He got estimates for $169,000 to $140,000's. I got his name, had my portfolio in hand, and forgot to write his phone#,his everything else. OH! how stupid did I feel. I get home and thought I could just die. (How irresponsible) was that? However, His Personal Representatave introduced himself to me and gave me his card and ASKED ME if we could network together. BINGO! NOT A LOST CAUSE AFTER ALL. I did get his card snd I will get Tim's information from him today. I know it's Memorial weekend, but their only cleaning out the house, so I don't think it would be a problem to call. I'm gonna call the Rep. gain a lil more rapport, and get the information that I need from him so that I can secure the deal. I guess being nervous doesn't pay. So that's what I'll do.
Signing out,