My second blog entry oct 16/13

Today I have discovered even more on DG insider elite website. Other than reviewing deals, and "Wisdoms".
I have now found the "tools" section and the Rock Bottom Blueprint~ wow~
So I have written out my Why:I want to have enough money so I can be free financially. In this way I can pay off my debts, help my two daughters and also my dear friend. I also want and need to plan my future and to feel I really have choices. I do not like feeling nervous about the future.
My Goal: To make $100.000 in Real Estate in the next year, doing deals. I want to start by wholesaling deals.
How will I feel: I know I will feel awesome~ So confident, proud and secure. Enthusiastic and strong.
What will I feel If I do not do this?: I will feel very sad, and somewhat "scared" of the future. Also frustrated as I really believe this is so "do able" for me.