May 26th, 2014
My goals as a real-estate investor(REI) are to:
-help as many people as possible to gain home ownership through the rent-to-own strategy, help people to discover non-conventional ways to finance their property purchases.
-help REInvestors(REIs)within DG's REIs extended family throughout the Americas to translate-review-edit their RE material (books, business-cards, advertisement, etc.)
-have an accountability buddy weekly meeting with 4 teams (one in each Canada, United-States, Central & South-America) so as to create helping groups for motivation, momentum & creativity purposes.
PLEASE CONTACT ME at if any of the above are of interest to you.
de Sylvie
Avec gratitude, Con gratitud, With gratefulness
Life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself
- George Bernard Shaw
Don't ask what the world needs but ask what makes you come alive, and go do it... because, what the world needs is to have more people who have become alive.
- Howard Thurman.