SylviefromQuébec's blog

Helping one another throughout the Americas...

May 26th, 2014

My goals as a real-estate investor(REI) are to:

-help as many people as possible to gain home ownership through the rent-to-own strategy, help people to discover non-conventional ways to finance their property purchases.
-help REInvestors(REIs)within DG's REIs extended family throughout the Americas to translate-review-edit their RE material (books, business-cards, advertisement, etc.)
-have an accountability buddy weekly meeting with 4 teams (one in each Canada, United-States, Central & South-America) so as to create helping groups for motivation, momentum & creativity purposes.

PLEASE CONTACT ME at if any of the above are of interest to you.

de Sylvie
Avec gratitude, Con gratitud, With gratefulness

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