Advanced Education

I want to know the differences in the Success Academy and Insider Elite since both offer Coaching. I've read Dean's books but still feel that I need Guidance. I'm confident that both are Great but for someone that's trying to get started, which one should I invest in FIRST?

I think you should invest in

DouniaWarne's picture

I think you should invest in both because you will not get the same knowledge from each of them.

office desks


I agree. I will need them Both eventually but simultaneously that can be very expensive. So I wanted to know which one would be most beneficial to a Novice who's just starting out.

Insider's Elite

Valuni's picture

I would recommend you sign up for Insider's Elite first; the coaching is more of a mindset, which is key to your success; you talk to a coach every other week and he/she helps you set up a path to your success; also, the site has all of DG's education programs, videos, books, blogs, chats, daily wisdoms, etc. It's amazing all the things you have access to...

Success Academy is basically a guide to fast cash strategies (wholesaling, flipping, birddogging,etc.) that you work at your own pace (on your own), and if you have any questions, you can call the helpline to speak with one of the coaches. I think you would get more out of the SA if you first get familiar with DG's products, strategies, network with other DG members (both on IE site and DG site)

Wishing you success,

Thanks Valerie

Thanks Valerie for taking the time to respond with Great info. I found your Input extremely valuable, along with the Others who responding to my posts.

Thanks Again!