AndyS's blog

Days 102 & 103

Had a bit of a slowdown. Lost power on Monday morn. and didn't get it back until this afternoon.

Wasn't able to do much but get some reading done. Couldn't leave the property until the electricians from the power co. got here.

Still no word on the CO props. Frustration is setting in as I have little control of the circumstances. Doing deals long distance is a challenge so for anyone who is reading this, don't think it's going to be a piece of cake! CAKE, that sounds like a good idea! I'm going to go and have a piece of cake now.

Till next time...

Day 101

Another day of waiting........

I did find a glitch in my buyer's POF which was settled and forwarded so there should be no more hold ups on that.
Spent most of the day catching up on paperwork and cleaning up for Thanksgiving. I now have a clearer picture of what I have spent on getting my RE career going and while I am not shocked at the amount, I can say that it explains why I am in a financial bind right now. I'm hoping to be out of that bind with the CO sales.
It's probably a good thing I didn't see the total because it could have shut me down but I won't ever get anywhere if I stop soooo it is what it is.

That's all folks for today...

Till next time Smiling....

day 100

Mostly not a RE day again.
Also, waiting to hear about CO props.

Not much else to report.
To quote Tom Petty, " The waiting is the hardest part."

Till next time...

day 99

Today was mostly a lure day. Did get some RE work done as well.
Moved forward with the CO deals. Waiting to hear from seller. Buyer set to go! I know success is just around the corner. I can feel it!

Spoke with fellow DGer Matt S and hopefully set him straight on the path to success.

Looked up ads (nothing the fits my buyer's criteria)

Posted on a journal.
Attended another LWA Webinar

Doing my dailies and calling it a night.

Till next time...

Day 98

Banner day today!
NCND agreements signed and delivered by me and contact. Next step,getting a signed agreement with buyer and getting info about deals to forward to buyer.

Other than that:
Read my emails
Answered my PMs
Read some forums
Attended a webinar on short sales in today's environment
went through and deleted many older emails I put off dealing with.

Started thinking hard about my trip out West. Hopefully the weather will stay nice for me Smiling LOL

Till next time...

days 96 & 97

Both days were filled with cleaning up. Time has come to get my office in shape. I just have too much info in my head while the paperwork for it is just in piles everywhere. This has got to stop.
The good news is that I got my agreement to sign on the CO deals so we are moving in the right direction.

Other than that, I listened to the weekly wisdom and read some posts here.
Tomorrow's another day filled with ?????

Till next time...

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