Francisco Alba's blog

Real Estate Agents Don't Want to Work

Hello, this is Francisco Alba. I read 30 days to Real Estate Cash. I am trying to hire real estate agent to work for me. Two real estate agents agreed to work for me. One never send any information. The other sent me some listings. I will continue to call other real estate agents. This month I missed my goal of cash in 30 days!

My Real Estate Deal !

I have decided to start my real estate career. I am tired of reading books. I want to practice. I have decide to be a bird dog. I want to earn money!

I am looking for vacant houses in my town. I found a few properties on Saturday. I need to get some information for this properties. When I get this information I am to to contact real estate investors.

I am planning to earn a fee for finding these properties!
This is my plan for the month of July. I plan to earn my first real estate check. I want to Thank Dean for this technique which I learned in his 30 Days to Real Estate Cash.

30 Days to Real Estate Cash

I finish reading 30 day to real estate cash. I think this book is very good! I will start my real estate career on Monday. Dean once again proves he is a genious.

I Finish Reading Your Town Your Real Estate Profits-Chapter 7

I just finish reading chapter 7. This chapter by Chip and
Andrea is very good. I learned new investing techniques. I liked funding deals with an ira. I think that is wise .

I Started My Real Estate Career !

I read Profit from real estate right now. I think it is a wonderful book. I also completed the gain the edge 10 course. This training is very good!

I am already in touch with a real estate agent. I am in the process of starting my wholesale business.

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