BobStanis's blog


I am currently in Las Vegas Nevada for the "Gain The Edge Buying Summit" . I am enjoying all the knowledge and courtesy of the incredible team of professionals that Dean and his staff have assembled....not to mention the staff, the food, the grandeur of the Luxor Hotel and casino.
As if this whole experience wasn't surreal enough imagine how exciting it was when "The Man" himself came jogging down to the stage and I got a hive five from Dean Graziosi. It gets better, about a half hour into Dean's address he was touching on the subject of each person's "real" reasons for wanting to be a successful real estate investor and why doing the 7 Levels Deep exercise will help you to understand the core reason for your desire to be financially independent. It is way more than just money!

Bandit Signs Really Work!!!!

I knew I had to put them out. But boy was I skeptical about whether or not they would produce any results. You see I suffer from my own mental blocks. I had myself believing that I was a victim of my geography. I live in CT, within an hour drive of New York City and believed that I live among a very cynical population. Therefore I would be doing all my investing long distance. Turns out it was just Me being cynical.

As I made up my signs exactly as I shown by the presenters at My "Boots On The Ground" training (Jeff, Blake, and Eric) I believed I was participating in an exercise of futility. I spent last Saturday morning hammering in 12 signs in my area and wasn't really surprised when no one called Saturday, then Sunday. But something funny happened on Monday. I got a call!

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