dcfield21's blog

No more excuses!

I don't know if that's a good title or not. I may have to give myself a few free days on my 60 days to real estate profits. (yeah the book says 30 but I knew I would be out of town for at least 1/2 of the time).

My mom twisted her back and they took her from the hospital to one of those Convalescent homes because she couldn't get out of bed ( the pain was too great) but she had no broken bones. I had to stay there until 10:30PM waiting for the DR who would not release her to us to take her home. After I talked to him, we got her home and she is doing much better and now I can get back to work. I have worked out my phone script. If you have problems opening that .doc with Word 2003 just change the extention to .docx and you will be able to open it without problems.

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