I have been very active creating my team. I have a Real Estate agent, and a title company person, a couple of contractors, and have been trying to find a banker or loan officer. I had started using Greg Murphy's advice about the ghost ads, the problem I had and am still having is that most of the phone calls I receive are from Real Estate Agents wanting to see a house that really doesn't exist. I need to learn how to handle them. I also got a new phone with a seperate phone number just for my business. My wife thought it good because I woldn't have everyone calling my personal phone number. This way when A phone rings I know just what is is all about when I answer the phone. I think that s one of the reasons I was getting flustered in the beginning.
john.hervan's blog
Looking past 60
January 6th, 2012 | posted by john.hervanI just celebrated my 61st Birthday and looking back I have seen where I have been falling short. I have been looking at a few failures and not looking at them as not failures but just deals not ready at this time.
I watched the empowering conversations and have to admit to myself that I really haven't done enough. I have been expecting to succeed in a month or so but haven't shaken the past. I have to wake my sleeping GIANT within. No longer thinking of myself as a man reeceiving Social Security Disability benefits but as a Realestate Investor. I have realized I have nothing to give my sons and that is not acceptable. I have to get busy on my homework from Dean on the Empowering conversations. See you all at the top.
Starting from Ground ZERO
September 20th, 2011 | posted by john.hervanHi everyone, I am just starting out. I am Here in Southern California, a great pace to start out. I have been listening todean for about a year or so and finally went to a seminar. After I saw that I couldn't even afford the three day class ands was so disappointed, I was reawaked to a new day. I received the call ssaying that if I wanted the course and everything I could get monthly payments. Thank-you Dean... I have the pportunity to get started. I am excited and as I am reading, watching the dvd's and doing the workbook, I am making and posting signs, making my business cards and handing them out. I am a bit fearful of asking a real estate agent to be apart of my "TEAM" Why would he/she be wanting to help me out?