johntm2's blog

give credit where credit is due

Just so you all know, Andy S in Florida has been a good friend and massive help to me in this endever.
Along the way so far I have met alot of good people all every helpful and giving. THANK YOU ALL john

Support and info

Once again folks all of you keep on surprising me with all the help and networking that you keep giving me. I think that I'm one of the luckiest guys in denver right now to have in away to have meet all of you this way.

My first offers

I'm about to submit my first 16 offers on REO's doing what dean told me do my do diligence 55 years old and Im afraid I might have missed something. But head up eyes open moving forward I'll see you guys at the top

trying to learn this web site

I'm sure by now I have sent messages to all the wrong places on this site. Please forgive me this is my very first time on line on a computer, so far the back space key is the one I know the best. My poor wife must hate me every time I turn this thing on I do love her for all her patience she has shown me, thank all of you for putting up with me I will learn this thing one way or another. I have been a hands on carpenter all my adult life, now that I'm older real estate is my next step in my education. THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

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