Support and info

Once again folks all of you keep on surprising me with all the help and networking that you keep giving me. I think that I'm one of the luckiest guys in denver right now to have in away to have meet all of you this way.

new friends

another week goes by and I CAN SAY I have 2 new friends at opposites ends of this great country. This web site is one of the best things I've had the pleasure to partake in if you are new to this site take your time read every thing talk to every one let your mind grow and go for you have found the best people some of the brightest minds and most giving folks around
TO every one who can read this.
john didlott


kareng's picture

You are so right on about this site! I have made some amazing friends here and learned so much.

This site is what keeps me going. I am determined NEVER to give up and this is the fuel behind it all.

What a wonderful gift Dean has given to all of us. He can give the gift, but we are the ones who have to open it.

Best to you and glad you found your way here!
