Piff.J's blog


I've just put together a note that I'm going to put on Craig's List to try, no, to get some cash buyers in my bucket.
Question: Do I need to have a LLC right now to do business with Realtors & cash buying investors? I don't have the funds now to pay for that LLC.
I'm really nervous right now...

Brooklyn, New York Conference

I went to the Brooklyn, New York conference recently, It was great, the speakers where wonderful and to the point, everything was explained clearly. Now I'm very exited! The problem is I don't have the money at the moment to join the workshop being that I'm not working, I've been out of a job for a year or more now. Anyway I plan on trying to get the money up by asking and begging friends and family members hopefully I can have it within 2 months.(I know I will pay them back twice once I get this workshop in my system!) ANYWAY... I wanted to know if anyone knew when or if the conference will be coming back to the New York area?

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