RuthEcker's blog

The Best Weight Loss Diet

I know a Kenner actually had salmon with the beacons morning and then I'm in a fasted state now times I have any in in about 10 now or for 10-11 hours and I'm not hungry at all not the least bit hungry and I you know and if you ten years ago I could end and never imagined going 11 hours during the day and not being hungry and it really has you will have to take and I have a lot of energy it's the energy thing that's transformative cu know you want to kill people are fall asleep when you didn't shed yeah yet as a former 300 pounder I am about II day here I've been putting on some muscle i cum descend here yeah amazing but so I'm I probably owe me eighty pounds down from that but I've been at around two hundred plus some muscle ever like for more than 10 years Anna I remember the six meals a

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