skytrolly's blog

Getting Ready To Do Business

Have you ever wondered about how much preparation one does to get ready to do business?
I have been apart of the Dean Graziosi family for about 3 months now! Have been (slowly) building my buyers list, Incorporated into an S-Corp so I can do business all over the country. Opened a Business acount, got a PO box , curently putting together two(2) web sites, got the logo and the domain names,Now that I have a PO box address and web address's quess I could order those business cards.
Interviewed a few agents, one I settled on does not appear to be accomplishing the small task I asked her for. So gotta go get another one.

Getting Ready To Do Business

Have you ever wondered about how much preparation one does to get ready to do business?
I have been apart of the Dean Graziosi family for about 3 months now! Have been (slowly) building my buyers list, Incorporated into an S-Corp so I can do business all over the country. Opened a Business acount, got a PO box , curently putting together two(2) web sites, got the logo and the domain names,Now that I have a PO box address and web address's quess I could order those business cards.
Interviewed a few agents, one I settled on does not appear to be accomplishing the small task I asked her for. So gotta go get another one.

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