Student Wisdom

Student Weekly Wisdom #18 - Overcome the Negative Thoughts With Positive Thoughts with Mike Mangham

Sometimes we forget how important it is to feed our mind, our body and our soul with positive reinforcements. What many people overlook is that thinking patterns can and will affect our progress and success in our personal life along with our business. If we take the time to turn our negative thoughts into positive thoughts, the difference can be incredible. Take a look at this quick 3 minute video Mike created, where he shares some tips he learned recently on how to start thinking clearer and living happier.

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Student Weekly Wisdom #17 - How Not To Be The Lone Ranger With Joe & Stacey Jurek

Whether you're pursuing real estate as an individual or with a partner, there are things to remember so you aren't burning out or burning up. Today, Joe & Stacey talk about the importance of having a plan and being resourceful with your team members.

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Student Weekly Wisdom #16 - Wholesaling 101 With Carol Stinson

Don't be normal. Think outside the box and beat everybody else. Swim towards the current, or go against the grain... Do whatever you need to do to achieve the results everybody else is not getting. In this video, Carol explains how to think outside the box and to do things everybody else isn't doing! Just remember, if you do everything everybody is already doing, you'll just be another person receiving the same results.

PS. For more information about Insider Elite, CLICK HERE!

Student Weekly Wisdom #15 - Who Are You With Gena Horiatis

Other people's perceptions can be a huge advantage or disadvantage to your business. Sometimes being known as someone's spouse or parent isn't good enough and more importantly could be limiting your capabilities. In this weekly wisdom, Gena wants to know who you REALLY are. Are you JUST somebody's better half or are you much more than that? You ARE a real estate investor and everybody needs to know it. If your self-image is not accurate, it could be robbing you of bigger and better results.

PS. For more information about Insider Elite, CLICK HERE!

Student Weekly Wisdom #14 - A Little Discomfort Today Can Lead To Comfort Tomorrow With Joe Jurek

If you are not at least a little uncomfortable in your real estate endeavors, you probably need to step up your game. Joe's message here is if you are willing to do what others won't today, you can do what others can't tomorrow.

PS. For more information about Insider Elite, CLICK HERE!

Student Weekly Wisdom #13 - Tips For Living A Balanced Life As An Investor With Chip Weule

Balancing life as an investor can be quite a challenge. Unless you'e born into real estate investing, we all start while in the process of doing something else already. Full time work, parenting, school, life, etc... We know demands are many and everyone is busy so here are some tips to keep you sane and progressing with all the tasks you have on your plate.

PS. For more information about Insider Elite, CLICK HERE!

Student Weekly Wisdom #12 - Two Steps To Get Your Mind Right With Jay St. Hilaire

Jay has shared a few great videos on how he has transformed his thinking and what he continues to do on a daily basis to keep improving. In this segment, he does a quick recap of those techniques and offers suggestions to help you become unstoppable.

PS. For more information about Insider Elite, CLICK HERE!

Student Weekly Wisdom #11 - They Are Not Your Competition With Joe Jurek

In this video, Joe Jurek takes some time to explain the importance of networking. You're not creating competition by networking with others, you're creating a better chance for both of you to make money. Joe also brings in a few mystery guests that provide some great advice! This is pretty darn cool. Now go, get out there and contact someone you've never networked with before!

PS. For more information about Insider Elite, CLICK HERE!

Student Weekly Wisdom #10 - It's Time To Take Action With Keith Boley

Whether we're able to admit it or not, most of the time the fear of something is the reason we don't do the things that get results. This is a breakdown of how to easily overcome the fears that may hold you back

P.S. If you didn't get enrolled in Matt's live training, go check out the details now before it's too late CLICK HERE!

Student Weekly Wisdom #9 - Success is Like Perfume with Gena Horiatis

Go ahead treat yourself! In this video, Gena offers up a creative analogy of how an experience she had with a perfume purchase has taught her something about enjoying all successes. Make sure to enjoy both big and small achievements, you'll feel more fulfilled and even more encouraged to hit your next success.

PS. For more information about Insider Elite, CLICK HERE!

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