Student Weekly Wisdom #18 - Overcome the Negative Thoughts With Positive Thoughts with Mike Mangham

Sometimes we forget how important it is to feed our mind, our body and our soul with positive reinforcements. What many people overlook is that thinking patterns can and will affect our progress and success in our personal life along with our business. If we take the time to turn our negative thoughts into positive thoughts, the difference can be incredible. Take a look at this quick 3 minute video Mike created, where he shares some tips he learned recently on how to start thinking clearer and living happier.

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Jay Sthilaire's picture

Right on mike !! Develop our minds and the right actions will fall into place. There are key strategic directions to lead our minds and it is up to us to follow them and REPEAT them Dailey !! Awesome student wisdom !!

thanks Michael!

Valuni's picture

thank you for sharing bits of what you learned at your seminar. Reminds me of something similar that Tony Robbins teaches at his UPW seminar. Just amazing how we can control our state!

Couldn't have......

insidernotes's picture

Couldn't have......

Said it better myself, after I started smiling, I noticed a change.....positive thinking and re-wording as you mention really changes the outlook not only for the day. But our everyday interactions and inter personnel dynamics..... Thanks Mike

Mike, thank you for sharing

Donna Doo's picture

thank you for sharing mindset is key! And negative people are everywhere waiting to suck you in. You message is a great reminder that we make our own reality no matter what it be



The information in this video is true. I have applied this information in to my life and it works like magic. I came from a place were dreams do not exit and drugs and violence are the only way to live. It has taken me months to change my way of thinking. But for the past two months, things have change in my life so much. Now I attract buyers and sellers, or happy and positive people, my mind is in the right track. I was told the wrong things when I was a kid. But now things have change and things are getting better and better each day.

Thanks for reading



CaliTony's picture

love it I totally agree of course. We are too blessed to be stressed right! See you at the Edge.

choosing your thoughts

SeattleDan's picture

Hi Mike, this was so big for me. It's so important what we think about, and how the thought is phrased. I remember me writing my Limiting Beliefs ..I thought I'm to old ..I'm not. I thought: It wont work in this market, wrong ~ of course it will. I thought, others are already doing it. so what. what other people are doing has nothing to do with what I'm doing. Or what I'm Thinking....thanks Mike, I enjoyed your edge presentation.. Dan in Seattle

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