
Hello and thank you for accepting me into this group:

I live in Manhattan, I'm a Civil Engineering student at City College and I'm super motivated to do RE business here. You told about Mentors and bird-dogs, I guess I'll be in the second category as I have no experience here beside the Dean's book I've read meticulously.
I have a question: Is Manhattan different? Is there a way for example to do reassignments here? I live in the Upper West Side

Hope to here from you soon,


lets do some work out here

nationwide's picture

My name is Rodney Wilson, owner of Nationwide Property Ventures LLC, I'm now ready to launch this company. I can be reached at 516 668 3337/brubaka@****. I'm out here in the trenches, lost my job, but ready to go to war full time. I can locate them, contract them and advertise them. all i need is someone, to close them out.

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