I have been having a hard time finding serious buyers. Please help with tips or please sign up as a buyer on my website. Any feedback will be helpful!
Please visit my websites and sign up on my buyers list for Vegas or your area of interest. Best of luck with your future goals!!!
a potential buyer in Vegas
Hi there,
I have a potential buyer ( wife and husband ) who is looking for a 2 bedrooms apartment in Vegas for their retirement. The apartment should be on the first floor, and not too far from Casino, Please let me know if you have anything in hands.
Chanchai Khampinchai
Wife & Husband looking for 2 bedroom in Vegas
Hi Chanchai,
How much of a payment can they afford? How far from casinos can they be? Do they drive or do they want walking distance?
Email me direct at geer at bluesummerventures at gmail dot com.
please PM ur info so that we
please PM ur info so that we can speak oe email each other.thanks so much! enjoy your day!
Well I'm new to the
Well I'm new to the Investment Industry and have no money to go to the academy but would like to join up with other new investors. Together I think we could brainstorm ideas on seeking buyers and building a pipeline. Message me if you'd be interested in doing this.
yes ill be very interested ive been investing for 2 years now so i have a little experience