Here Is Everything to Get You Up To Speed on My October Success-Fest 2009

If you haven’t been able to follow what I’ve been doing for you the last few weeks, you can catch up in about 10 minutes by reading the messages below. For quick reference, the links to the gifts have been placed below so you can easily access them. Tuesday, October 20th you’ll get the next gift, part 3 of the Mini-Book! Thanks -Dean

Special Newsletter:

Marketing Minibook Chapter 1 - Finding Buyers:

Marketing Minibook Chapter 2 - Finding Sellers:

Marketing Minibook Chapter 3 - Marketing On and Offline:

Email Message from October 6th

Dear Friend,

Sometimes a bit of frustration can lead to massive innovation!

When I wrote my book last year, I wanted to give people a road map to make money in a troubled economy.

Back then I would meet people who would say to me:

"Dean I love you on TV and I would love to make money with real estate...but"

...the number ONE biggest BUT they gave for NOT trying it was "I have no money or credit."

Those all too frequent words were a big part of what inspired me to write “Profit From Real
Estate Right Now - Proven No money down Strategies For Today’s Market".

In that book, I blew the lid off of the “no-money” obstacle.

I gave unique techniques for anyone to profit with or without money, or credit in the current economy.

It caused a tidal wave of new success stories from people who previously thought there was no
hope for them.

It was awesome to watch...

Funny thing is, almost as quickly as I put the myth that you
need money to make money to bed, a new (even stronger) one has risen.

And once again, I'm inspired on a whole new level to take the next myth by the throat and smash it to bits!

(Whoa...I know... you're thinking slow down there killer).

But I have to be honest. The frustration of hearing another reason it can't work rather than reasons it can work, simply adds fuel to my already burning fire.

It has sparked new creative juices that will only end up in me doing things to create more results for you.

And to add inspiration on an even deeper level- believe it or not, I have a relative who kept using the no-money or credit excuse!

Now that I've smashed that myth, this relative has joined the chorus of people with the new #1 excuse which is...

"It doesn't work where I live."

I know people in today's economy, or any economy have lots of obstacles to overcome, but to say it does not work where you live….

That's absolute hogwash. It works everywhere. I assure you there are acres of diamonds in your
backyard if you simply know how to polish them.

I had a new mission to prove it, not only to you, but even myself.

By now you probably know I spent the better part of a week flying from one coast to the other,
stopping in at least 12 different states meeting with and questioning my "students" in preparation for my new book.

What I found out on that trip was many of my readers,(my students as I refer to them) have taken my ideas and improved on them.

I realized that there were small but brilliant things my students did, that made a huge difference in the way their deals turned out.

I went and met people from monster cities to tiny little towns of under 8000 people.

And guess what guys...?
******************************************** works everywhere. And not just a little. We are talking massive results.

Do you have to put in effort?


But can the results be life changing?

Undoubtedly. I got to see it firsthand.


The students in many cases have become the teachers.

That's right.

I was blown away by how they overcame the negativity around them and how they weren’t swayed by the naysayers.

I also was astounded how most of them made things work without using any of their own
money, or how without cost they built teams of people who did most of the work.

They figured out how to use the Internet to profit from real estate, how to network to have deals in their area come to them before they hit the MLS.

They learned how to find deals going to yard sales and estate sales AND how to kick butt in
Southern California, when even their Realtor told them it could not work...and so much more.

As many deals as I have done and continue to do, there is NO WAY I can be in all 50 states at the same time, let alone hundreds and thousands of cities!

So I'm stealing their secrets, techniques and strategies that allowed them to prosper in ways that I have not even used.

So, with that knowledge, this month is the month I'm going to do something BRAND NEW to help get you the results you desire.

While this month is widely known for a ghoulish and strange celebration, I'm going to put some killer treats in your hands and NONE of them will have a thing to do with costumes, pumpkins, ghouls or goblins or any of that normal October nonsense.

I am dedicating the month of October to simple and effective techniques that work, NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE and most of them are going to come from students of mine.

This month I celebrate DG’s "Success Fest 2009".

(Cheesy, I know...but it's better than “Oktoberfest” besides, I don't suggest guzzling down beer as a real estate strategy... at least not officially).

If you were with me during the Blitzkrieg a month ago and thought all the tools and techniques we gave away then were exciting, then hold on to your seat.

After the October, "Success Fest" the only excuse you will have for not making money is that it may be a little cold for you Eye-wink

I’m not going to tell you EXACTLY what I'll be doing for you, but I will say that I'm working on something SO COOL you are going to be blown away when you see it.

(Oh, and it’s NOT the new book, even though that will be cool, and it's NOT a live event, so
stop trying to figure it out and just look for my emails).


Well, if you want to know how a young couple did 7 deals without using one shiny penny and made over $112k, then don’t dare miss an email

Or how a guy from a town of under 8000 has created a unique system to do no money down
deals and has made $97k so far, then don't dare miss a video blog.

Want to know how one couple has made $502,000 in 18 months in Florida, the supposed worse place for investing?

Or a 24-year old guy from Southern CA who made $44k on his last deal using others people’s money.

This is the month when the big “It don’t work here Dean” myth with be exploded.

This is the month of revelations, the month you will finally say “I GET IT... I CAN DO THIS”
and I promise, you can go in to 2010 with a set of skills that can produce results and cash flow for the rest of your life.

Plus, you'll be getting a harvest load of goodies too. The first gift comes out in 48 hours or so, Thursday, October 8th.

Now go watch my blog for more details.

Email Message #2 October 8th

Dear Friend,

As promised, today you get your first gift in my first ever Success Fest 2009!"

It's a very special newsletter I labored on for 20 plus hours to create.

I did it because I want your success to "take flight" if you have already had a taste of success in real estate I want to help you to soar to new heights.

So in keeping with that theme, I wrote the newsletter to help make that happen for you.

Why? Am I making you go to a link rather than just sending the newsletter?

Because it requires action on your part.

I'm not trying to make it complicated or difficult.

I just don't want you to think success comes without any effort; even great rewards begin with simple actions.

I created this newsletter after spending a week flying around the country meeting my students
and listening to their success stories.

Here is the link to grab your copy. Get it now:

Email Message #3 October 13th

Dear Friend,

I talk a lot about avoiding negative people that distract you and cause doubt, but are you being skeptical to yourself?

Do you question or doubt facts and theories? A skeptic does not accept the "Given".

There is a time and a place for skepticism. This is not the time or the place.

If you ARE a skeptic when it comes to creating real estate profits, I can help you - IF - you are willing to take a little action.

To help you along with the process of believing in yourself and going out there and making the success you crave happen, I'm giving you something very cool.

I've put together a mini-book, it's a concise guide filled with the essential "how to" actions that you can use to cash in with my strategies.

I've divided it up into three sections and you will be getting one section now and one in each of the next two emails I send you.

This first section you'll find out everything you need, to build that ever important buyers list.

So without further ado, here is the link to grab your copy:

This is really going to help you.

Tell me what you think after reading it!

Email Message #4 October 15th

Dear Friend,

Before I give you my next Harvest gift, I should tell you, today, October 15th is National Grouch day.

I remember Oscar the grouch. He definitely had a house worse than my childhood trailer.
The grumpy green puppet lived in a garbage can on Sesame Street.

Why we would celebrate such a day is beyond me.

A Grouch's mission in life is to be as miserable and grouchy as possible, and pass that feeling on to everyone else.

I've heard from more than one of my readers lately that they have a grouch or two in their life.


It made me aware that many people are not reaching their goals, because someone close to them...perhaps a grouch, talks them out of it.

Today, somewhere, some grouch is "stealing" the dreams of another...squashing them and not because of the silly holiday.


But you can achieve your real estate goals and I'm going to make sure to help!

I’ve got something extra special for you today.

I know the grouches of the world are going to hate me for this suggestion, but let's use
National Grouch Day as a launch pad for relief from the day to day grouchiness we all encounter.

So, start by going to the link below to get the special 2nd section of the mini-book I created for you "Finding Deals/Building Your Sellers List."

PS Remember, the grouch's don't just come out on October on the lookout for them, their attitude is contagious and destructive.

Your next email and gift arrives Tuesday, October 20th!