Weekly Video Blog #131 - Are you Lucky?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
This week, school is out.

Not public school, that's still a few weeks away. But the school of "Dean." Yep, he's put away the marker and white board for this blog and is speaking from his heart.

WARNING: You're actually going to hear a "cuss word" (gasp!). But it's appropriate in this context.

So, please. Take 4 minutes and listen in - then pay close attention to the last 45 seconds of his message...


If you are intentionally working towards your goals then its not luck. Constantly keeping your eyes on the goal and working towards that vision, makes you able to achieve what other people don't who choose to be unintentional.

********Time are changing with the weather in N.Y.C for me******

This winter I started my business it start off slow but time are looking up I have a good list of buyers now.I tryed looking for that R.E. agents that could help me with little bit of success.But I tell you the truth when it came to looking for agent I slack off because the agent I called never heard of assignment of contract.So I started my search again and found a agent that heard of it but never did one so I had to let her go nicely but I'm HAPPY TO SAY I FOUND A REALTOR THAT SAID HE DONE ASSIGNMENT BEFORE.AT this point I qusetioning my self is he the one (the Realtor) so I ask him again and he said YES! I said THANK THE LORD so Dean and everboby at D.G. family wich me luck I'll meet with him this Tues. coming up 5/7/11 9:30am at his office. DEAN IS RIGHT SOME TIME YOU HAVE BAD LUCK AND SOME TIME YOU HAVE GOOD LUCK BUT IT WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR TIME TO MAKE LUCK FOR YOUR SELF SO KEEP PUSHING FOR THE CLOUDS BECAUSE I WILL AND SO CAN YOU IF YOU STARTING OFF. P.S. Newbie stay away from Dream killers= poeple that say you can't do this because you can do what you but your mind too. THANK DEAN FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT.

"Lucky B"

It's always been that the harder I work, the luckier I get!!! So I can be called "You lucky bastard" as often as people want. It reminds me I've been doing the right thing. Hang in there, Dean, you're the man!


like most subscribers are saying you create your own luck through hard work some ppl are luckier then others as far as lucky things go like the lottery and raffles etc sometimes you can be in the right place at the right time it all comes down to being persistent at what you want to do and that is not called luck it's called determination to get there and some things go wrong along the way but just is blip on the radar screen.

apologies to Forrest Gump...

"I may not be a smart man, but I know what luck is"

Funny - this was the subject of a discussion between my wife and I just recently. We have been business partners for many years now, and each of us came from previous careers where we achieved a fair degree of success - in the restaurant business and in the wine business. Those who know how tough those industries are to make it in know that we are probably hard workers with tenacity and stick-to-it-iveness. It always used to amuse us when people called us an "overnight success" (lucky!) when we know that it took us 15 years to get there!

My Grandfather used to say "always measure how far it is up so you'll know how far it is down again" Well, we fell pretty hard in recent years and yet we actually feel somewhat lucky that we did because we believe it has led us to the next great time in our lives which we intend to have in real estate investing. Although we feel pretty motivated on our own, we truly appreciate the obvious care and honesty of your organization and approach, Dean. Thanks and we look forward to a great journey with you.


Hi Dean,

Luck has nothing to do with success. Successful people do extraordinary things. In order to get different results, they start doing different things. I hear this very often how bad is the market, good luck to you. So my response is , that luck has nothing to do with my success in real estate. Persistance, knowledge, and association with the right people.Thank you Dean for this awesome blog. Have a great week.

Making My First Deal.

Hi.Still trying to make my first deal a reality DEAN.lOVE YOUR bLOG.


blessings go farther than luck

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