This blog is a timely follow-up to the last two weeks. If you've been following these blogs, you know Dean talked about mindset and how it affects your ability to prosper.
Well, this week you get to help decide which students will get the chance to partner (and prosper) on deals with Dean in 2012.
The students in the running are finalists in the 2011 "Send Me Away" contest. The winner receives an all-expense paid vacation and the chance to partner with Dean on a real estate deal.
If you are familiar with the contest, awesome...if not, don't worry. Below you will see 3 links. The first one will let you vote for the contestant you feel deserves to win.
The second link is for YOU to enter the contest for 2012.
The third link is where we will announce the winner, live from the stage. So, click that first link, watch the videos and cast your vote. Then, come back here and click the other links to further your own personal abundance.
See the 7 Finalists and Cast Your Vote Here
Then, See How to Enter the 2012 Contest
Finally, Come See the Winners Announced Live at the EDGE 2012
Weekly Wisdom # 175
Hi Dean,
I just watched your Weekly Wisdom #175 a second time. I have not voted yet. I hope I will have time. I am at the library. Sometimes we get kicked out of the library if it gets busy. We have a one-hour limit. If it is not busy, we get more time - another hour or so. Sometimes we get half an hour. When you get kicked out, you can't come back even if it's not busy. You can't use your card again because the system says you have used up all your time for the day. That's why I sometimes cannot follow up on things. This week was hectic. I had to do two summative projects for school. I have an exam that I was not expecting to have. I have to study in a couple hours, five months of work. Last year, we did not have exams. This year, for intermediate, we do. I only found out a couple days ago and then had lots to do. Then I go to advanced computer courses. On Friday, April 27, my son has a PA day. We will come to the library the whole day. That way, I can listen and vote for someone. Sometimes, nothing happens and all of a sudden, everything comes down. That's what happened to me last two weeks.
I also experienced a big hiccup when I attempted to listen to the live event on April 16. My phone stated that too many windows were opened. I closed a few. However, there was a matter on Facebook and they would not allow me to sign in. I tried everything. Sorry I missed out. However, I looked at the replay today. It was awesome! Even if we heard some of the things before, it was good to hear them again. I am concerned about a couple things, though. You mentioned something about Earnest money. I don't know whether I am spelling it correctly. Anyway, I am concerned that after an offer is made and accepted, where do I get the Earnest money from to pay up? I would love to start doing deals the way you, Matt and the others teach us. Let's say I do everything right, and an offer is accepted and the Agent asks for Earnest money, what do I do and how do I get it? I need to know everything about the payment part of things. Then I will feel more comfortable making my first deal. I am, however, more confident than I used to be. I am working out, losing weight, and getting ahead in school. These things do give people confidence. I also feel more confident now about making my first deal. I want to. A bit of fear is holding me back. That's not a lack of confidence, but a lack of $$ to pay when it is needed. I am happier now, and I laugh more and feel happier internally. I feel ready to pursue. I have my car back. After my exam on Monday, I will take some action. Talk to you soon.
Congratulations to all winners
I am still learning and reading so I soon can get it going.
god bless all