Weekly Wisdom #401 - Future Proofing Your Life...

What is a scarcity mindset? I use this term so often to describe the frame of mind that may be holding you back from that next level of life, but what is it exactly?

A scarcity mindset is essentially a frame of thought drenched in negativity. It's thinking that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. It's thinking the American dream is dead, it's thinking this presidential election is going to ruin us all, it's fearing that robots are going to take over your job, it's all of those negative; glass half empty, thoughts that bring you down on a daily basis.

But what if I had a way to get you to never look at life through a scarcity mindset ever again... Would you listen?

Because here's what I have come to discover... There is a way to FUTURE PROOF your life, so that none of this outside craziness in the world can even bother you...

...And that's the secret I am revealing in one of y most powerful Weekly Wisdom's this week!

Watch now!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Enjoy this wisdom and have a great week!

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Thank you very much, it is very useful. I think that we all should ask ourselves such questions. Then we can avoid different undesired things:)

eye opening

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