W.Mass company needs YOU

I`m interested in starting a new real estate investment company in Western Mass. Looking for people that know construction, financing, marketing, and any other skill that can help develop the company. We all must have 1 thing in common, which is to make money and prosper.

Your Services

GrandOpening's picture

I need portfolios in you area of interest miracle7@outlook.com

Good Morning,

I'm From Miracle 7 Investments and I specialize in Distress properties, Multi families, single family home & Portfolio Packages. I have a much inventory and I would like to know if I can be of any assistance to you with my current inventory. Or If I can Help you with any, Please do not hesitate to email me at miracle7investments@outlook.com or give me a call at 843-847-7100
Best Regards


femailceo's picture

A bio would help in your endeavor to draw in more investors. Tammy

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