VERY discouraged! Need some encouragement.

VERY discouraged! Need some encouragement.

I have been doing this for 3 months and haven't made a dime. I've looked at houses, made a couple offers, etc..
The thing I am afraid of in making 20 offers a month is, what if one or more gets accepted? Where am I getting the money?
I cannot get any of my sellers to accept a deal with owner financing.
I have talked with 3 banks, 2 mortgage brokers, 2 hard money lenders, and NOT ONE of them will deal with me since I am self-employed. They say I need to be self-employed at least 2 years before they will even consider any of my deals.
I have several possible deals that I am "working with," but cant seem to get ANYTHING off the ground.

ANY advice or words of encouragement would be GREAT. It would mean SO much to me to be able to close a transaction or two BEFORE Christmas of this year!


You're right, Sully.

I'm not ready yet. I don't feel as if I have enough knowledge yet. I'm waiting for the book and just wanted to know what I should be doing in the mean time. I don't wanna get ahead of myself. So I should build a buyer's list first. Call the people that advertise "we buy houses"? Or basically anyone that buy houses?

dont feel down :(

I was taught that everything is a numbers game! so the more you do something the closer you are to winning. That goes for everything. SO keep doing what you are doing but just do more of it. The more you do the more you adjust, the more you adjust you will increase in succeeding making your success %age higher.

Elena, I don't know if

I don't know if your words helped David, but they helped me, and I am not even discouraged. I am too new to have begun to get out there yet and run into discouragement. But your words tell me I will have some great support and empathy if I do. You and others like you are a real help. Pas. Greg.

Encouraging You, Daddyleek

I MUST agree with Sully and E.

Construct your Buyer's List first and foremost. Since I have ordered BARM, like yourself, my credit is in the toilet. I ordered the book and TALD kit via the boss' 21-year-old son back in June and July, respectively. When my hometown was under threat of being overtaken by fire and work was unusually lean( had to evac from one fire ), I utilized that downtime to study and think ahead to construct a solid foundation of thought to get me through the rough waters ahead.

As much as I truly hate working as a carpet technician/ janitor, it was exactly that profession along with my boss whom were ultimately responsible for inadvertantly developing my network( realtors, accountants, HLMs, etc. ) while cleaning their homes/ offices. This doesn't include the fact that my current boss is now thinking about selling his carpet business and trading it in for an investing career( hence, a possible partner when I wasn't looking ). I am now realizing this may not be such a good idea for him as we may need that cleaning biz for our future investments( hey, it costs the consumer ALOT of time and money to provide legit cleaning services ). Funny thing is, I did all of this with God's help while repairing my 4-Runner, which blew two heads and cost me nearly $3K to fix. My end result: I envisioned myself driving around in my vehicle cruising around to the many locations of which I will invest into in my area and another are two hours from my home.

With all of these obstacles in my way which I turned into pathetic excuses( don't forget, difficulties rain in threes including two destructive fires and a dead ride ), they immediately tuned into personal opps which my wife thinks I've gone a bit loonie. Seeing the light as I have, Daddyleek, I have chosen to take my time to develop my foundation although my finances really stink at present. I'm in and out of home and businesses while exposing myself to the many folks whom I see myself dealing with in the future.

Did I ever feel like giving up? B4 Dean: not really, although the odds were certainly against me according to the world and my family history, which doesn't really dictate squat. Did I ever want to express giving up? B4 Dean: NO WAY, JOSE!!!

After Dean and in the present, the tables have already turned in my favour to where I have the fiery confidence in my wrecked marriage to take the financial workload from my wife and taking over, being the breadwinner with this new vehicle. See yourself living your dreams passionately RIGHT NOW and your 'tude will follow. Most of all, study, study, study. Act, not spectate.

I'll be looking forward to seeing y'all at the top of the mountain:)

The Chief Reindeer

Don't Give Up

Welcome to the family. Don't feel pressured especially if your just getting at it. I myself am obligated but have the desire. I started 9 day's ago and I'm making my 1st offer today, and it's pretty hard. But it's a challenge. Start out small, by doing re-assignments to build your Capital this way you can have money to put down on holder properties. If you have the desire success will come. If your financial situation is good I would highly recomend Dean's coaching program.

Best of Luck!


Im gonna make him an offer he cant refuse