
All About BMiller81

BMiller81's picture
Bernard Miller
cars, movies, games etc

Topics I've Participated In

Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 44 weeks ago
Buying tips? No credit/money BMiller81414 years 43 weeks ago
Flex option BMiller81515 years 12 weeks ago
Lawyers BMiller81316 years 12 weeks ago
4 More seeing's BMiller81516 years 15 weeks ago

Basic Info

Completed High School
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Marketing to Investors

BMiller81's picture

So I was trying to find some local investors but in my area, but I haven't found a group. I've made a couple of contacts but Im stuck. I've found my list of properties and am ready to make offers, the problem is getting my buyers list. Anyone have suggestions? I've put a few adds on craigs list and am working on the news paper too. Also should I get some business cards made if I haven't done an LLC or registerd a buisness yet?

How's the Hunt?

Madison's picture


I have been watching and following your posts. I had seen that you had a few possible deals about to happen.

You are obviously very aggressive with REI--which is what will make you $$$$.

Are you close to locking anything in?

Just wondering Smiling


Well Im still gung ho about

BMiller81's picture

Well Im still gung ho about it all but it's been pretty crappy weather up here and I've been busy with my fiance who we found out recently that were expecting a baby so I may slow down and may not. We'll see.

Been a while since I've

BMiller81's picture

Been a while since I've visited. A lot has happened over the course of a year. I've started school to become a film maker. I've also been job free for a year which is also great for my time freedom. I've taken a second look at REI and need to brush up and possibly look at making some deals.