What is the best part of the book?

What is the best part of the book?

What would you all say is the best or most important thing taught in the book?


I think the 10 determining

I think the 10 determining factors to determine your market is one of the best things I use.

investment fund flow

how do you find out the investment fund flow?



Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH

Try looking at REIT activity

Try looking at REIT activity to get a pulse. Ideally you want to be in the market before the smart money is, but being conservative you be wait for the smart money to start coming in and then get in. If you wait too long you end up on the losing side... buying high and having to sell low, the same reason why all the opportunity exists now. Way too many waited or bandwagoned at the last minute and got clobbered. This same thing happens day in and day out the stock market. Usually when you have your money aligned with the smart money is hard to lose. The difference between the little guy and the smart money is the little guy is more nimble and can enter and exit the market with their single deal much easier than a reit can move billions in and out its thousands of deals. You have the advantage of being quick and nimble over the market as a whole, remember that.

reply to REIT

Hi....I tought REIT's were just a fund of several real estate holdings. How would I tell if money was actually leaving or going into the real estate market by looking at an REIT?

Thank you,


Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH

flow of funds

I find there are many ways to monitor funds flow to get a sense for who is investing and where is money investing. From a macro perspective, I listen to the CNBC/MSNBC/FOX news channels periodically to get a sense of what is happening in the stock market and where the money is flowing to or from (bonds, individual stocks, and mutual funds - foreign or domestic). There is a lot of coverage and a lot of opinions. I find the more I listen, the more I learn and get accustomed to the general pulse and investor sentiment. For a local perspective, I listen to local talk radio in my city that has a couple of call-in shows that discuss the local, regional and national market conditions in real estate and investments. I also have a few real estate contacts that I keep in touch with where I ask them about what areas of real estate are moving and get specific data to support their answers (such as which areas of residential homes are selling: high, mid or low end homes, multifamily, apartments, which are in abundant supply and which are in short supply, number of days on market, etc., and which areas of town seem to be hotter than others and the all important reasons why they are hot. I read the local newspaper and specifically look at the real estate section. Especially in this market, there are deals to be found. You will probably develop your own approach, but this is some of what I do to get a feel for the flow of funds.

"Smart money" will use REITs

"Smart money" will use REITs as a vehicle of investment. If the smart (big) money is moving into REITs, there is a reason for it, not because of sheer speculation.

Find REITs with large cap that have a good size of residential property in the portfolio. Then use a tool (you have to search for one unless you have an online trading account, then you probably have one in it) that gives accumulation/distribution data (which way is the money going, in or out).

You can also get a pulse by looking at REIT price trends and home builder index trends.

Pay little attention to main stream media. They are a lagging indicator, a very very lagging indicator. Listening to main stream media will ensure you are always late to the party on either side and are almost always wrong in their Nostradamus-like predictions (sleight of hand?).

Also, looking nationally will only tell you if the market as a whole is trending. Local markets will vary hugely. There are a ton of tools out there that track local market trends. However, if you increase the accuracy of assessment of your local market when the national market is trending in your favor. If you are investing in a area that has a strong economy, job and population growth it will be hard to go wrong on anything right now. The key to it all is timing, but in a area like that, even a misjudgment in timing will not turn out to be a mistake.

Don't wait until trends are "obvious". By then, you will miss out on a lot of opportunity.


What is a REIT?

REIT = Real Estate Mutual Fund

It is a real estate investment trust. It's basically like a mutal fund but for real estate instead of stocks.


What is a REIT?