
All About ericaviray

Las Vegas/San Diego
About Me: 

After studying two years at a University, I decided that college wasn't for me. I didn't want to earn a degree & after college get a J-O-B where I was helping other people become wealthy. At the age of 21, I chose to quit college & my part time jobs. I made the decision that I am an entrepreneur & I'm going to be my own boss. I want to work when I want & have the freedom to travel the world, all while being financially free.

I'm a novice Real Estate Investor & discovered Dean Graziosi at the beginning of 2008. I'm currently reading his Be a Real Estate Millionaire while visiting this site often. I'm learning a lot & look forward to networking with other Real Estate Investors.

Thank you, Dean Graziosi & other Investors for your support!

To your success,
Erica Smiling

Topics I've Participated In

Glossary of Real Estate Terms Rina21510 years 35 weeks ago
Sole Proprietorship or LLC? Rina6812 years 12 weeks ago
Craigslist Marketing Tips rebucks1913 years 21 weeks ago
my first deal rightwingjosh1415 years 27 weeks ago
Las Vegas, NV - Investors' Club ericaviray916 years 18 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Entrepreneur
Some College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Erica, How is the Real

weisbergt's picture

Hi Erica,

How is the Real Estate Investing going?
I also live in Las Vegas. I am looking for someone to talk real estate investing with. If you are interested please contact me.
Thank you