REAL ESTATE INVESTOR!, full-time by choice and lovin it!
To see my REI journey, you are welcome to read my journals here:
Rina's DAILY JOURNAL: Chapter One - The Beginning http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3470
RINA'S Daily Journal: Chapter Two - The SECOND $1M http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/38864/...
2 years ago my husband and I were still in the 9-5, work hard all your life, don't deserve too much, mindset. Since seeing Dean's infomercial in March 08 and going through the Success Academy, I have used just about every strategy Dean teaches: Bird-dogging, Assignments of Contract, Flipping, Double and Simultaneous Closings, Buy & Hold:
And although I've been fortunate enough to have bought REOs, FSBOs, Sheriff's Auction property, Short Sales: offered lease/options, been guest on Dean's conference call, had my story in PRFRERN, been in Dean's TV infomercial, attended the Edge event, etc. etc. and built a net worth and cash-flow greater than I could have ever dreamed!.. there is something here that excites me so much MORE!!! Seeing first-hand all the wonderful people who's lives have been changed by Dean and deangraziosi.com!!
Having been part of the DG Family here on Dean's website for almost two years, I have seen SO MANY people come scared (like I was) and desperate to change their lives, and then I witness something truly remarkable. . . While many come and go,, those that stay (even if it seems to take some longer than others) those that stay, eventually have a success story to yell out!! I mean hundreds of students! No exaggeration. Some join the Success Academy, some do it by the books, but ALL glean from the free knowledge that Dean shares in these forums and are here to support each other, and every day there are new success stories posted by one-time newbies. IT'S AWESOME!!
So, any newbie reading this profile, I say CONGRATULATIONS! for finding the best REI oasis in the world! YOU are here for a reason! And you CAN succeed. Just believe in yourself, and put forth the effort and you WILL succeed. Look forward to meeting you in the forums!
Here are a few tips:
1) To start a REI journal of your own go here:
http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3522 (make sure you start a new thread under "Post New Forum Topic")
and then to find yours when you return you can bookmark it or click on "Member Journals" on the left of the page.
2) Click on "What's New" to see the threads with the newest posts, and "What's Hot" to see what's most active. Use the search box (under Dean's chin) to find threads with subjects you are interested in learning more about.
3) Watch ALL Dean's blogs! Listen to ALL the conference calls! Leave no nugget from Dean unturned. (And open ALL your emails from him!!)
4) DON'T be afraid to join in the forums. We all learn from each other. And making yourself visible is good marketing too. DON'T be negative (please). Don't be scared of looking "new" (we all were), but be ready to research like crazy and share with others the knowledge you acquire.
5) TAAAAKKKKKKEEEE ACTION!!!!!! (Feels good, and it's the only way to get there! )
To see my REI journey, you are welcome to read my journals here:
Rina's DAILY JOURNAL: Chapter One - The Beginning http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3470
RINA'S Daily Journal: Chapter Two - The SECOND $1M http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/38864/...
4/16/09 (Guess I should update more than once a year) Wow. I can't even begin to fill in what this last year has held. I guess the story is best told in my journal http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3470
Lots of REI deals, experiences, friends made, a daughter married, a grandson born, new future planned. I thank God for bringing me here. I guess I'll be a DGer for life.. LOL
4/29/08 Looking back just 2 1/2 weeks, I can't believe how much I've already learned! Thanks ,everyone for teaching me! Here was my first note to dgadmin:
Date: Thu, 04/10/2008 - 04:15
Dear team,
Thank you for creating this forum. I am a new “success team” student and I’m very!! excited about learning new techniques to use in our real estate ventures.
My husband and I first started investing in real estate 15 years ago when we wanted to create some extra income to send our 4 children to a small Christian school in our community. With just $5,000 down, we bought our first 3 rentals for $8,000, $11,200, and $16,000 (which the rent has paid for many times over through the years, beside paying the kids’ tuition). Our youngest daughter is now a junior in that K-12 school.
We now have 7 rentals with a very good positive cash flow. One of the original houses was bought by our renters to whom we had grown close. Not only were we able to multiply our money, they were able to purchase a home at half the market value! We were both very happy!
Even though we’ve been very blessed (and I do thank the Lord!), and have done pretty well with our investing, my husband and I have both had to work very hard for what we have (that’s not necessarily a bad thing). But now I realize how much more is at our fingertips! I don’t say any of this to pat ourselves on the back, only to say that if we’d had Dean’s techniques all along and had learned to not limit ourselves, HOW MUCH FARTHER AHEAD WOULD WE BE TODAY?
I’m soooo excited to have stumbled across Real Estate Millionaire. I saw your infomercial 2 weeks ago, ordered the book & read it the first day I got it! Within the last week I’ve joined the “success team”, made 3 purchase offers using techniques I read about in the book, and have closing dates set on 2 new properties in our town !! one at a discount of 30%, and both with no money down!
I thank you so much for sharing your experiences, your successes, your failures (I love the personal stories in the book). I look forward to gaining a wealth of knowledge and will use every little tidbit! The tele-seminar tonight was great. Dean and Nathan, I love how real you guys are. I took lots of notes.
Thanks again and keep it up.
One of your newest students,
Welcome, eldontomas.
To be honest, I don't know TOO much about LLCs yet (Limited Liability Company/Corporation), but I was advised that was the best business structure for my real estate venture. It has the best asset protection with the least complexity. If you want to learn more with me, follow along in the forums as the days go by. For more info now, see some of the postings from cbrpower and Hazco Investments. I'm sure there have been others, too, that I'm not thinking of right now.