Tips on Inspecing Systems in the House

Tips on Inspecing Systems in the House

While inspecting inside a property you need to keep attention to the systems located throughout the house. This a shortened idea of what to look for and at. If you have questions you should always check with a competent professional.

When checking the electrical you should be able to see three holes in the outlets. If there are only two holes in the outlets you need to have the electrical checked for being outdated. You should also check the fuse box. If the fuse box has the old glass fuses or you can see old wiring with what looks like a cotton mesh around the wire – you need to have the electrical checked.

Checking the water is as easy as looking for leaks everywhere. If there are bubbles around the toilets and showers there is probably a leak somewhere. If you check under the sink and you see green crystallization on the copper or excessive water sweating on the pipes you probably have water problems. I turn on all of the water faucets together and see what happens.

When checking the furnace you should have a pilot light on. Check the age of the furnace. Turn it on and check it. If you smell gas get a professional to inspect the furnace.

When checking the water heater you should know the difference between electric and gas water heaters. On most gas water heaters there is a pan at the bottom of the heater that collects water and creates a barrier from the heat and the floor. If you see rust combining in the pan or on the floor you should look to get a new water heater.

Make sure that the air conditioner is working. Do not turn the air conditioner on if the temperature is below 58 degrees.

All appliances should be turned on and used as they normally should be used.


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Great but...

How can I check appliances and hot water if everything has been turned off?



Hard to do. And that is one

Hard to do. And that is one of the big negatives of say.. auctions.. or buying on the courthouse steps.

Pre-foreclosures and REOs do NOT have this problem.


Thanks for that. How do you get around it? I mean, you have to know that everything works before you invest; surely?

