How do I make sure I get my money?

How do I make sure I get my money?

If I have locked up a contract and assign it to someone else. How do I go about making sure I get paid?

For example: say I have someone that want to sell their house and they want 80000 for the house but I talk them into selling it to me for 60000. They sign the Agreement, and I find someone to buy the home from me for 80000.

Once I am at the step of them buying the home from me I do not know what to do. How do I make sure I get paid? what are my next steps?


look it up


Look it up under the search feature on here.

type in bird dogger, assignments, promissory note, and you will get lots of useful info to help you.


TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny


I have...

I have not found anything that tells me how to bridge the gap with the bank. meaning that I am looking for some information that will tell me if I this agreement then what to do with it. Now i know the seller will agree to sell to me but once I sell to someone else, what steps do I need to take to make sure that I am not shafted.

I have...

I have not found anything that tells me how to bridge the gap with the bank. meaning that I am looking for some information that will tell me if I this agreement then what to do with it. Now i know the seller will agree to sell to me but once I sell to someone else, what steps do I need to take to make sure that I am not shafted.

getting paid

Look at the assignment form on this website. I think this form provides for assignment fee. Get it signed and deliver to escrow agent responsible for the transaction.



Watch your thoughts; They become words,
Watch your words; They become actions,
Watch your actions; They become habits,
Watch your habits; They become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Frank Outlaw


you can use a real estate attorney, that might be a better choice for you, since your new and haven't done a deal yet, RE attorneys will look out for you a little more than a title or escrow co., @ least thats what i've found to be true, SULLY.



getting paid

As metioned above make sure you have a contract with the end buyer. This is what will ensure you of getting paid. The assignment of contract contract found on this site is what you need to use with the end buyer. This contract along with the original contract with the seller will go to closing and the title company will allocate the money to where it goes and who recieves it.


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