This post is pretty straight forward. You may post deals that you need assistance on here. When doing so please give as much pertinent info as possible such as price, offering price, comps, dimensions, financing options, interest rates, rental amounts, get the picture.
Your post will be answered with as much info as possible to assist you, but please note below.
** ALL CHIT CHAT and other irrelevant chatting will BE DELETED.
** Hi-Jackers will BE DELETED
** Questions from a poster other than on the deal of origin WILL BE DELETED.
The idea is to keep this post as clean as possible and deal with "THE BOTTOM LINE".
With this being said, let us hear from you.
p.s. We are not coaches, but we are here to assist you in gaining a better understanding of the REI world and challenges in as simple a way as possible.
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Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
This post is pretty straight forward. You may post deals that you need assistance on here. When doing so please give as much pertinent info as possible such as price, offering price, comps, dimensions, financing options, interest rates, rental amounts, get the picture.
Your post will be answered with as much info as possible to assist you, but please note below.
** ALL CHIT CHAT and other irrelevant chatting will BE DELETED.
** Hi-Jackers will BE DELETED
** Questions from a poster other than on the deal of origin WILL BE DELETED.
The idea is to keep this post as clean as possible and deal with "THE BOTTOM LINE".
With this being said, let us hear from you.
p.s. We are not coaches, but we are here to assist you in gaining a better understanding of the REI world and challenges in as simple a way as possible.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny