LLC benefits

LLC benefits

does anyone know about the benefits of creating a LLC or corporation in order to buy real estate? I have really bad credit as well as deeply in debt. I have heard that you can create a LLC or corporation in order to start up a line of credit in the corporation or LLC's name and therefore be able to purchase real estate as well as protect my own assets ets. Any thoughts or comments? Any advise or help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


LLC often wondered myself

Does anyone know about this previous topic that fdrake posted? I think fdrake posted some very good questions. I am going to also check out the posts from anitarny. I remember she is pretty educated on the llc as well. Hope my info helps as well. Lets help eachother. Cindy.


cindy REI


An LLC is a Great vehicle, but I would strongly suggest you clean your credit up anyway. Robert Kiyosaki said if you can't control your own finances, your not ready to control the finances of a business.thanks.

LLC Q's...look here


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