Some ways to find motivated sellers

Some ways to find motivated sellers

Here are some ways in finding motivated sellers:

Place a newspaper ad (major daily)

Place an ad in Pennysaver, Thrifty Nickel, Greensheet, etc.

Bandit signs

Drive neighborhoods looking for vacant houses and FSBO's

Call FSBO ads

Search MLS for junker properties

Search MLS for expired listings

Contact landlords who are evicting a tenant

Contact landlords with properties for rent


Foreclosure auctions


HUD & VA houses

Tax sales

Estate sales

Properties with outstanding building code violations

Properties with outstanding health code violations


"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”
Napoleon Hill quote

Some ways to find motivated sellers

Thanks for the info "Build_assets" I am new to REI and was wondering were to start. Would it be possible for you to give an example of what one might say in a newspaper ad. Or how to approach a FSBO without sounding overwhelming...
Thanks again .... Dennis


"Real Estate Matchmaker" Joseph M. Kaiser


You could say:

Wanted Motivated Sellers
Do you need to sell your house FAST?
Call 1-800


"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”
Napoleon Hill quote

Ok Ok I see the bigger

Ok Ok I see the bigger picture now Thanks so much Jason Smiling


"Real Estate Matchmaker" Joseph M. Kaiser

Be carefull

Those are all good ways to find them but what I did wrong when I first started was I ordered 100 Bandit signs that said I buy houses blah blah blah but what I didn't do was check with my city to see what the restrictions were with using Bandit Signs. Come to find out that they were illegal and had all been taken down within 3 days. So now I have about 70 signs sitting in my garage! They work awesome, I got about 10 calls within the first 15 hours of putting them out so they work but just make sure to check with your city for rules and regulations!



Money won't fall into your hands, you have to earn it!

Thanks Kai I was a little

Thanks Kai I was a little hesitant about the bandit signs anyway but the newspaper ad sounds great. I am meeting with a Realtor Thursday, that works with Investors and is no stranger to creative financing. If everything goes well there I am thinking of running an ad to see what happens.



"Real Estate Matchmaker" Joseph M. Kaiser

Thanks Alot I currently have

Thanks Alot I currently have an Property Under contract But the #s Are Tough hard finding an End Buyer and this is my 1rst deal