I jumped in the game 2 months ago and last week listened to a replay of Indaiana Joe and Dean talking about estate sales on craigslist. Well I took action and sent out 64 emails to estate sales with Joe's verbage and low and behold I have gotten 6 responses, 1 already had a buyer, I sent back that they can use me as a back up plan, 2 had property not for sale, 1 wants to know what I need from him, 1 still cleaning out house will then call me,and 1 already put it on the market, I am waiting to find out who the agent is. And finally another response to my new google voice set up stating they had a client that has her mother going into senior living and she was here from CA cleaning out the house and the house is in Wisconsin which is also where I am from. She wants to get back home and is looking for a fast sale to a investor. I went to the house and gave a formal/and verbal offer. I am now waiting for them to get back to me to get it under contract. house values at 129,000 ARV, she wanted 60k and I offered 38k. She did not bat a eye, I am stoked and all this in my first weekend in the game. I will assign the contract to another investor if I get it. This all happened because of Joe and Dean and everyone here in the DG family. I hope to meet Joe someday,,HE ROCKs!
Mike from Wisconsin
did you have to close on the home before assigning it?
to answer your question. You don't have to close on the property to do an assignment...NOW GO GET SOME
Not having a goal is worse than not setting one..
http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/92139/... -
Way to go, Mike ~ Now, go sell it, rinse & repeat!
haha THANKS!!!!! i think ill GO GET SOME NOW!! ..hahaha
Congrats on your first deal Mike! Did you find a section online specifically for estate sales?
~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~
Hi Mike - any update on this? Last I recall you had a verbal offer accepted and just waiting to get it formally in writing.
Let us know how it's going. Good luck!
- Tom
Hi Mike now keep it going and dont look back, this is a awesome thing to do, really love it and so will you, find - help- fix it - then the reward- satisfaction , Jim
Lots of leads, that's incredible, Mike!
Congrats on your first offer! Be proud of yourself!
Continued success to you!
Happy Prospering! ~Kat, Liberty Residential Investment Acquisitions
• "To every thing there is a season, & a time to every purpose..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
• "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!" ~Dale Carnegie
• "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise." ~Horace
• "Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
• "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe