Probate Properties

Probate Properties

When approaching the personal rep of the recently deceased, would it be better to go through the attorney (if there is one), or contact the rep directly? Thanks for your help



We have always sent condolence letters to the rep directly.

Condolence Letters


How did your condolence letter turn out? Is there a resource where I can get a copy? How do you find out who to send it to & where do you get these probate info like from the obituaries?


probate info

Probate info is public record. Check with the court recorder/clerk of the courts. I searched by case type = probate. Where I searched, I was limitied to 1 month of data. I got the results into an excel file and the file has over 700 rows. I used the name of the decedent in the property appr. site to see if there was property that I would be interested in -- no mfg homes (personal thing). I used the case number to search for party info and found the addresses there. I found their attorneys at this site as well.


Like Debbie said, it's publc record; we go into clerk of courts & check probates & research from there...we draft our own letter from scratch,spcific to the people & property we are targeting. We explain the cost of a vacant property, taxes, insurance, maint. & repairs; plus the risk of theft or vandalism on a vacant property.
We target heirs that are not in the area of the property. We also offer to purchase home contents & vehicles. Anything that can be sold to make $$$$.

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