Attention All CREATIVE Investors...
Please offer some creative incentives you have given to motivated sellers to get them to sell you their property.
(I know, find out what they Really want and get them that) I know all about that, but I am looking for specifics in this case.
For instance, if you have made a low cash offer and agreed on most everything in the PA but the seller is looking for something else in the deal to push it through, what are things you have used successfully to make the deal go through?
Several years ago some investors offered Zero Coupon Bonds because they were very easy to get, super cheap and gave the seller some great bond equity down the road.
Thanks so much for your input!
- Tom
Tom Mosman
Real Estate Investor
~~ Just Do It - Nike ~~
I have heard that other investors have given anything from a car, to frequent flyer airline tickets for trips to tickets to sporting events as a "sweetner" to complete a deal. I don't know if any of those options might work, but would say try to find the "hot buttons" for the seller. Good luck with investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
Thanks, Joe - Tom
Tom Mosman
Real Estate Investor
~~ Just Do It - Nike ~~