Buying Bulk REO’s
There is a way for everyone to get their money and keep it too. It is called Bulk REO.
REO, "real estate owned properties" refers to assets a bank or lender owns after foreclosing on a property. Bulk REO is a group of REOs that a bank or lender groups together for sale and that group could be as few as 3 properties. The wonderful thing about Bulk REO's is that they are usually sold for a small fraction of the real value. To recover some money banks often auction them off in a bulk at steeply discounted prices. Needless to say, Bulk REO offers real estate investors an excellent chance to regroup and get back to the horse.
Bulk REO are below MLS, BPO, cheaper than private sellers, auctions and are a fraction of any approved short sale price. And the little known fact is that they are accessible to everyone and anyone-even without cash or credit.
How? Simple! Bulk REO investing is based on the relationships with key Bulk REO market players. Your job is to act as broker to the buyer or the seller and charge a fee. Yes, you can represent them at the same time.
Banks do not want bulk REO's nor do they want their associated costs, taxes, maintenance, insurance and utilities and investors get them at substandard prices. Banks want money not the bills. They have no financial gain by having properties on the books. Real estate invertors want the properties to get money by giving other people bills. And at the fraction of the cost, it is a sweet deal. Everyone wins.
Working Bulk REO’s you can increase your profit from $15 000 to five to ten times that per sale. You can close a deal faster and anyone can do it with the right mindset. And as your learning curve builds you will acquired skills to provide you with a one way ticket to what is dear and near to all our hearts- money.
Bulk REO is a great opportunity to make money and join the ranks of recession millionaires. The catch is tread carefully, do your research, make good picks, go slow and Bulk REO investing can turn a sometimes profit into a great profit.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
but how are you suppose to acquire these homes if you cant get funding for them?
do you find these key players in the bank? I hit stumbling blocks when I try to get ahold of the asset managers of banks. I once tried to call 20 different times to the same bank, different branches to get a name; and all anyone would ever give is a website with a listing of the REOs, no matter what method I tried.
I found a list online, but its outdated.
I'm going to call tomorrow to talk to you if that's ok.
Its CERTAIN I will succeed.
Happy Investing!
Has anyone out there other than a coach done this yet? Can more details of the process be provided? I've purchased individual REOs using the MLS service but hadn't heard of this and it sounds very promising! Do you need to work directly with the bank to find Bulk REO possibilities? I'll check with the agent I'm working with about this too.
Look up a guy named Kenny Rushing. He made his real estate business around bulk reo buying and selling.
for Kenny's program!
Charlie didn't call me back, but I'm just going to have to start calling everyday for him.
I already paid for the success academy. If he knows something, I'm hoping he's going to share it!