
All About aMarquez54

Adrian Marquez

Topics I've Participated In

Shane's Fight for the FIRST......!!! shanegore0854512 years 5 weeks ago
Deshone's Million Dollar Wholesale Business Journal Deshone Drummond8412 years 20 weeks ago
Buying Bulk REO'S cfuller614 years 2 weeks ago
Jets To Santa Fe Journal edcastle414 years 3 weeks ago
Deal for the record books??? aMarquez541014 years 4 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome Adrian

sistreat's picture

I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Deans board. Be sure to fill out your profile. You might find someone in your own area that you can partner with to do deals. Read all you can and it won't be long till I hear about your first deal. Good luck!