I've found buyers & am trying to lock up a prop from a realtor. Realtors here (San Diego) say they can't accept the Investor Disclosure statement with the contract stating 'Assign". They say it has to be the name of the person closing @ escrow, along with the 'proof of funds'. I've asked many realtors & get the same answer.
Is this IEE technique no longer valid unless it's a FSBO, or is there a different way when working w/agents?
If that is the case, then you need to add his name on the contract. For example Jan J95/John Doe as the end buyer. Just make sure John Doe also sign the contract as well. Hope this help. Good luck!
IEE is easier to use with FSBO. You can also do a double or simultaneous closing to seal the deal.
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Is the agent working for the seller or for you,if the agent feels that way and you want to do the deal get the contract signed.If you have your buyer and have setteled on your fee,ad him to your contract as a partner.When you go to escrow to close,just tell the escrow agent after you close the deal that you are doing a Quitclaim deed with your partner the buyer.All of your interest in the property will go to your buyer and you collect your fee.