Yes, a purchase contract can be made by anyone. A purchase contract is used to identify the terms and conditions agree by both parties. Normally when a property is sold for sale by owner, an attorney draws up a general purchase contract. As a buyer you control your offer and purchase contract. If a realtor has a pre-printed state approved purchase contract you can cross out or add anything you want as long as you and the seller accept the changes. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve! - Joe
Yes, a purchase contract can be made by anyone. A purchase contract is used to identify the terms and conditions agree by both parties. Normally when a property is sold for sale by owner, an attorney draws up a general purchase contract. As a buyer you control your offer and purchase contract. If a realtor has a pre-printed state approved purchase contract you can cross out or add anything you want as long as you and the seller accept the changes. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
I have been looking for a option contract or the question answered??? The sale agreement would contain the option.Thank-You for your question!
Joe is right,Make your contract!
Invest in yourself!