Can someone look this over - meet with owner this afternoon

Can someone look this over - meet with owner this afternoon

I have an appointment to look at a property this afternoon and want to go armed to the meeting. The property is a .75 acre ith a 1920s farm house in as is condition. There is a local investor in the are that has purchased properties within 2 miles that I would be assigning to, but I would like to lock this one in. Property assessed at 49930 owner asking 28000, waiting on his best cash offer. Can someone look this over and see if I missed something. I want a 60 day turntime and a end buyer contigency so I am not obligated to purchase. I think I got it all. You can PM me or comment directly Sorry about the formating but I think it is readable



THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of , , by and between

, hereafter called Seller(s), and

and/or assigns, hereafter called Buyer.

I.DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES. Seller(s) agrees to sell to Buyer the property located at:

Description Written As Follows:

Description is including any fixtures, window and floor coverings, built-in appliances, draperies including hardware, shades, blinds, window and door screens, awnings, outdoor plants, trees, and other permanently attached items now on premises.

II.PURCHASE PRICE. The Seller agrees to convey property to Buyer for the sum of ____________________________________

III.TERMS. The following terms are applicable to this contract:

1)Buyer and Seller to equally split all closings costs inclusive of attorney fees, title fees and other miscellaneous costs, but NOT including any loan related costs that may be associated with Buyer’s financing. Any taxes owed will be appropriately prorated between parties at closing.
2)Closing to be set as soon as possible for all parties, but no later than ____________________________without written addendum to this agreement.
3)Property sold “as is” with no warranties implied or stated from seller.
4)This contract is contingent upon clear title and final inspection of the property by buyer or buyer’s agent before closing and buyers ability to obtain financing on the property.
5)Legal consideration for this agreement is ten dollars ($10.00).
6)Seller to provide buyer with permission to access property solely for purposes such as evaluation of repairs needed, appraisal of said property for securing financing, and professional advisement on resell of property. If property is vacant, Seller shall provide Buyer with a key to access property specifically for the reasons above.
7)Any furniture, fixtures, attachments, and debris located in and around property not removed within day of closing become ownership of buyer.
Seller understands that the buyer listed above may purchase the above referenced property for their own use or assign the equity in this agreement to another investor at any time prior to closing. Buyer additionally understands that this agreement is good for 60 days from the date of signing and that at the experiation of this period the contract is null and void with no further obligation on either party unless the agreement is extended in writing.

BUYER: _____________________________________________ DATE: _________

SELLER: _____________________________________________ DATE: _________

SELLER: _____________________________________________ DATE: _________


best cash offer

Owner is willing to drop to 25,000. Hubby and I are going to look it over, owner has left key, can't get down to meet with. Hubby does maintanance and rehab work so I can get a pretty good idea of the condition. Hopefully structurally sound - do know from the pictures it needs windows.

assessed value?

Do you know if the assessed values in your area are close to current market values? In many areas, market values are falling while assessed values are not being adjusted.




Watch your thoughts; They become words,
Watch your words; They become actions,
Watch your actions; They become habits,
Watch your habits; They become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Frank Outlaw

WOW!!! No deal

Ouch! Fixer upper??? Tearerdowner more like it. Not even worth trying to market this one. The house is trash. Kitchen ceiling caved in with joist and roof base water damage. Yard completly overgrown, foundation sinking on one side, need I go on? Maybe the land is worth something, but then you have to tear down and rebuild. Oh well got a good motorcycle ride out of the deal and spotted a couple of what apper to be abandons on the way back that I may look into. Thanks for the response. Still lookin for an opinion on the contract if anyone has time.

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