Bird Dog Agreement Contract

Bird Dog Agreement Contract

Do anyone have a REAL Bird Dog Agreement Contract? I talked to investors and they haven't sent me any, I asked around here and all I get was a copy and pasted version that looks soooo sloppy, is anyone around here who used a Bird Dog Agreement Contract and has a REAL copy of one can they send it to my email address at chrishabersham@gmail? I would really appreciate it I don't have the funds to make up one with a real estate attorney I have a few buyers and REO property but can't do nothing about it because I'm stuck without the contract that's needed. And please don't send me a link to the forum on this website that has the same sloppy copy and paste version that looks messed up when I copy it to Microsoft Word. Must be an OFFICIAL version of it.

Thanks In Advance


Bird Dog Contract

I have one that I got from another site called bigger pockets. It's a pdf, so I can't attach to this post, but PM me your email and I will send it to you.



"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one."
Elbert Hubbard


I do bird dogging for an investor. What I do is when I find a property, we talk and come to an agreement. For ex. one place was very inexpensive, so we wrote up a flat fee of $500, it was a small deal. Another place was over $300,000 and we wrote up for 5% of his profit.
But we don't have anything in writing until I find something. When I call him with just a few facts, if he is interested, he sends me a contract and I sign it for the amt we worked out, and I fax it back to him, with all the info on it. He originally asked if I wanted to sign something permanent, but that contract had that I could not for 2 yrs, do any deals on my own in his "territory." I didn't want to agree to that. So we do the individual contracts, works very well.

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