What about the Real Estate Agent?

What about the Real Estate Agent?

Using the 25:1 theory, and assigning the contract, how do I pay My agent? or how should I pay my REA?


Paying agent

If your agent is the one that found a listed house, his pay still comes out of the sellers pocket. That is already in the contract to sell the house between the agent and seller.
My agent was so impressed on how investors work that he is now starting to find more homes with good equity. I even gave him Bills training DVD from emp.conversations and a couple more, he was impressed and now wants to do more with me.
But his pay is in that listed house, and it is so nice to have someone else worry about the all the paper work, even with assigning.
I'm sure someone will come on with more help, lot of people on here that have done this for years.

training DVD

Sandi, you mention Bills DVD, I'm guessing thats Bill O'rafferty? Can you give me more details on that DVD, sound like a great idea to give to my agent.



I called the Academy first to be sure that would be okay.
Yes it was Bill O'Raffertys' empowering conversation. You can call Deans office and ask about how to get them..you can order the dvds each month, or getting it cheaper on the computer and download it. I also gave my agent one from Jeff Jensen. This gave him an idea of how investors work with agents. I gave him Jeffs just to give him another DVD to watch.
He said it was really interesting and now would like to work with investors.
I would be sure this is an agent you feel comfortable with, as I wouldn't want to show them this, then have them walk away from working with me.
My REMAX agent is really nice, and I talked to him first to find out if I explained this better to him could we work together, he was more than willing to learn.
I would like him to see the SFL dvd esp with Bill on that one too. But will wait till we work a bit more together, but so far, my agent wants to work with me and he said lets do more deals..I said to him, well that will help you to make some good money, and his reply was, I intend to help you make money and we both will.
He is young and is a single dad, so I know he struggles with time, but he is always calling back as soon as I leave a message.
Hope that helps.
I did tell him about Deans site too, but he hasn't checked it out yet as he was busy.
Good luck, maybe even suggest Deans books to him.

Thank you very much. I have

Thank you very much. I have a few agents i'm trying to filter out...I told one one of them that I wanted to make a lot of low offers and they said I have to have the money before they can put an offer in...I haven't made my first deal yet but am working at it...But to hear the agent ask me that kinda made me nervous because I know they need to get paid as well. But thank you very much, I will be more confident in my answer now


I wouldn't appreciate the agent saying that to me, would be better if he'd say, he would need a proof of funds. If he doesn't make you comfortable pass on him. Remember, we aren't doing them a favor, they should treat you as a client. My agent when he realized how we could work together, made a comment when we were looking at house. I said jokingly, stick with me and you can make some good money, he put his hand on my shoulder, and said I want you to make money on these deals, so we both will.
I have not yet had to show any proof of funds, and my closing is Nov 30th, but I am trying to assign it by then.
Let us know how you do, and REMAX works well with investors, just sound confident that you need an agent to work with on several deals.
Good luck

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