Property Management Agreement

Property Management Agreement

Hi DG family. I've been away for awhile, but I'm back! Quick question: Does anyone have a copy of a simply basic model "Property Management Agreement" that I can take a look at? Thanks!


I am curious,

what do you need this form for? I know the obvious answer, but could you elaborate on your plans. Thanks.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Hi Bill. Thanks for

Hi Bill. Thanks for asking.

Like I said, I'm back in my right mind again and motivated more than ever to get my life back in order and continue developing a successful career in real estate investing. I'm currently working with an agent and was given a property management agreement to look over and sign. Since I'm still very new to the investing process, I'd like to look at another PMA and compare the two, so I can understand it more and what to expect when it comes to the total agreement between the two of us. Does that help? I hope so.

So, with that in mind, what can ya tell me?

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