Does anyone have a great equation or calculation they use to determine whether to buy rental properties? I have put together a general equation, but want to see if I am missing anything that might be over my head.
What type of equation are you talking about? Buy under market value, refi if possible, make sure you take in enough to make your payments, I don't know what you mean. Let me know...Jan
Looking more for items to include when checking the cash flow opportunity. i.e. advertising, taxes, mortgage, % for maintanence, etc. I am hoping that someone has a spreadsheet or formula for looking at all these things when looking at a property.
I have started a checklist of sorts. When I get it into better working order I will post for better and further discussion. Might be helpful in looking at properties to buy. Also, looking a future reserves to hold back for improvements if the equity is not there, but still cash flows.